With a view to develop the infrastructural set up and Renovation of college buildings RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatara Siksha Abhiyan) has allocated a fund of Rupees Two crore under component 9. An amount of Rupees One crore has already been received by the college under the above mentioned head vide Memo No. 196/1(1)/F.H/ RUSA -2.0/240/18/COMP- 9 dt – 21/08/2018 and the same has been utilized for the renovation of the old Zoology building of the college , purchase of laboratory equipments , computers and its accessories.
Rest amount of Rupess One crore which is yet to be received by the college has been decided by the college Governing Body to be utilized for the purpose of construction of new buildings near ‘Maa Sarada’ Girls’ Hostel campus through the mediation of social sector, Bankura Division P.W.D. Dte.